Miltos Manetas is a Greek artist in constant search of technological empathy, feeding on synergies made up of encounters, readings, cultures and places without borders. Having started in Greece to discover new…
Tag: Miltos Manetas
4 questions to Miltos Manetas
1.In your opinion, what is the role of a museum? When it comes to Western-Style painting- the kind of painting that started with Giotto- the existence of Museums with a strong collection…
Da Michelangelo a Manetas, l’inquietudine di Pollock in mostra a Firenze
Alcolizzato, ribelle, inquieto e anche un po’ pazzo. Sono questi gli ingredienti giusti per una personalità difficile e geniale come quella dell’artista americano più famoso dell’Espressionismo astratto, Paul Jackson Pollock (1912-1956). Promotrice…